
You may be brushing your teeth once or twice a day, but is it enough to keep them healthy? The question remains of paramount importance. To find an answer to it we must consider the different aspects of keeping our teeth healthy. Whilst at the same time, we should consider the benefits of a regular dental visit.

A regular dental visit helps in many ways that people are often ignorant of. It is common that at one stage or another, we neglect the fact that our teeth are a vital body part and need regular visits to a dentist.

A regular dental visit keeps a check on our gums and teeth. The frequency of this check-up may ideally be every 6 months.

The 5 major benefits of visiting a dentist are:

  • Examining healthy teeth and gums.
  • Check-up of plaque and tartar and their cleansing.
  • Checking of overall dental disorders and finding of any oral disease.
  • Removal of germ building bacteria and polishing the teeth.
  • Advisory on maintaining oral health with respect to individual patients.

There are two major variables of visiting a dentist. The first is the check-up and the second is cleansing.

When you visit a dentist in South Delhi, the first thing your dentist does, is look for cavities. At this initial stage, the dentist checks for plaques and tartar. The examining of plaque is hard at home as it a clear layer of bacteria that slowly grows upon the teeth. It generally starts with the root of the tooth and ascends upwards to the entire length of the tooth. This plaque when neglected, results in its hardening and the formation of tartar begins.

Tartar is nearly impossible to remove at home with brushing. It is also hard to remove with flossing as flossing does not prove effective on it. Gradually, if tartar is not removed in time, they may take the form of several oral diseases. These oral diseases may or may not be visible to the naked eye and hard to detect in their initial stage.

After checking for plaque and tartar, a dentist looks for healthy gums. Whether your teeth are healthy or not is again hard to detect with the naked eye. At a dentist’s clinic, it is done with a special tool that measures that gap between the teeth. The spaces between the gums are also measured to ensure and outcast any possible germ build-up.

A sign of healthy gums is a shallow gap between the teeth. On the other hand, unhealthy gums reflect a deeper gap that occurs between teeth and gums. A regular check-up also ensures checking the nearby areas including tongue, throat, neck etc to look for any complications or malignant diseases that may be building up.

The process of cleansing the teeth at a dentist is called scaling. This process removes the plaque ad tartar. After this, the dentist removes the stains on the teeth. This may be followed with shining the teeth to prevent further germ build-up.

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H-4, Green Park Extension, New Delhi- 110 016

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